Friday 13 July 2012

Dreams and Fortunes

Just a quick one!
I've been having lots of dreams lately and one I'd like to share is from last night. Basically I was in some sort of car park for like an old ladies bingo club thing at night and I saw Lady Gaga..with no security or anything, so I was like "Gaga! Hi please give me a hug" and then we hugged and it was lovely and I went to my car to get my phone and I was like "Lady Gaga! I'm so sorry but can I have a picture?" And she copied me in a fake English accent and was like "I'm so sorry" and we were laughing but she got her phone out (which was a white iPhone) and we had a picture together and I got all excited because I was thinking about how she would put it on Twitter!

So that was my dream and it probably seems a bit sad to some of you but I woke up feeling happy and it was nice, sad that it was a dream though but maybe it will come true one day, who knows!! 

This is a slip I got in a fortune cookie a little while ago but I keep my fortunes, and this one says 'You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself' Which I think is quite cute! I have about three of these little slips stuffed in my phone, between the case and the battery and they always make me smile a bit because you can usually always find a link between your life and the saying so you really think it's 'fate' or whatever to have gotten the cookie that you did. 

This is me today, I kind of like the way my hair is, all wavy and cute. The condition is getting better s-l-o-w-l-y and I'm usually someone who thinks if something doesn't happen straight away that it's probably never going to happen, that's why I've got so many different brands of products because I'm always trying out new stuff that works really fast!! I love the repairing hair mask that I have from Herbal Essences which is this one:

It works so well and smells absolutely amazing. My sister has the purple one which is called 'Tousle Me Softly' Because her hair is stick straight and it basically makes your hair dry wavy, which mine tends to do naturally but I sometimes do use that when I'm at her house ;-)

Today I woke up at half past 9 and got ready to go and see my tutor at college about getting onto my course in September but apparently I've already had my interview (which is basically what I wanted to talk about sorting out) so I just had to do an entry exam, which I'm going to re-take next month because I didn't have chance to revise as I didn't know about I'll be revising for that! Then I went for a quick walk through town to see if anybody I know was in but I only saw 1 person I knew...who didn't recognise me :-( Oh well!

I don't have anything more to talk about other than I may be getting another tattoo soon! But I'm not spilling any plans because that's not too much like me when it comes to tattoos :-)

                                          Au revoirrr!! 
                                            -Nikki x x

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