Saturday 15 December 2012

Christmas Tag!

Holly Jolly Christmas Tag

Pre-note: Sorry I've not been blogging as often as I'd said, my laptop is fixed but I started a Hairdressing course in October! So I've been so so tired and not wanting to be on my laptop too long and not wanting to blog about recent happenings!

1. Favourite Christmas Movie?
     I have a few that I really enjoy, it has got to be The Grinch, or the Home Alone movies. They just put me in the festive mood!

2. Are you on the Naughty list or the Nice list?
   I'd probably say I'm on the nice list! I've been nice to people, helping my momma out when I can with like tidying and stuff (she appreciates help with tidying because she's always at work and she works nights). I've also been sorting myself out like I'm hoping to move out soon and I've been looking for jobs too! So I've not been slacking or anything, I've been helping my sister with babysitting too.

3. Show us one embarrassing Christmas card photo!
    To be honest, I've only ever received 1 Christmas card with a photo on it, and that's from this year! VistaPrint had some sort of offer on and my Uncle's kids recently had a we got a card from them, but I've never ever had a 'Christmas card' photo with my family, I think it's usually an American sort of tradition? I'm hoping to get all the family in a photo this year though, maybe a new tradition!

4. Have you ever had a White Christmas?
    I do remember one time when I was around 9 years old, going outside with my light hopper (cool kid) and all my friends were out sledding on bits of cardboard and it was quite white, but since then I don't believe I've had a White Christmas! I'm not really a snow person anyway, so I'm not too bothered about having a White Christmas.

5. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
   I used to always spend Christmas time at home, but for the past 2-3 years we've been going to my sisters house because she's got a table and there's more room in her house! Last year I spent Christmas Day at my sisters, then went to my best friend's house for the evening and boxing day. This year I'm at my sisters again and I'll probably stay there all day and it'll be cute!

6. What's your favourite Christmas Song?
     I'm never really into Christmas songs around Christmas time, I start getting into them around September time, and my favourite is probably either Band Aid: Feed the World, or I wish it could be Christmas every day by Wizzard.

7. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
    I used to open 1 present on Christmas Eve, either from my nan or my dad's cousin, but the past few years my mum's banned this and made my brother and I wait until midnight and it's usually all the presents from my Uncle, Nan, Cousin etc...then siblings I have to wait until I see them, and parents I have to wait until food has all been eaten! 

8. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
    Off the top of my head...  Dasher, Doner, Blitzen, Cupid, Dancer, Rudolph and that's all I can think of!

9. What holiday tradition are you most looking forward to this year?
     We have a new tradition of eating at my sisters, and I really enjoy it because instead of having a meal set out, she puts all the plates out empty and you can choose which meat and vegetables you want :-)

10. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
     I've always had an artificial tree, I don't really care about having a new tree every year, we have a tiny fibre-optic one that we've used every year since I was born and we also have the same decorations on it every year. I recently got my own tiny tiny tree for my bedroom with decorations already on it :) It's cheaper than having to get a new tree every year or ruining your carpet with the bristles!

11. What is your all-time favourite holiday food and sweet treat?
      We usually get these German biscuits called Lebkuchen and they're like Cinnamony puffy biscuits, delicious! We also usually get a German Stollen which is a fruity cake topped with icing sugar, but I'm not much of a cake person so I usually don't have any! I do love turkey thoug, mmmm.

12. Be honest: Do you like giving or receiving gifts better? 
   I'm not going to lie, I think I love them both equally! It's cool to have a day where you're just showered in gifts and food, but I love also picking out a gift for someone, wrapping it up, waiting and seeing their reaction! 

13. Show us your tackiest Christmas attire (eg. sweater)
     I honestly don't have any tacky Christmas clothes! I'd love to get a particular jumper from etsy, it's done in the traditional 'Ugly Sweater' style but it has a home alone theme to it! It says 'Merry Christmas You Filthy Animal' on it and I'll post a link here.

14. What would be your dream place to visit during the holiday season?
        New York! I'd stay there from Christmas until New Year, I've seen videos and pictures from New York festivities and I have to say it's probably the cutest thing I've seen!

15. Does your family have a special holiday recipe that you like to help make?
     We don't have our own made-up recipe but my momma used to always make mince pies that I'd help her to make.

16. Are you pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
    I'm actually quite good at wrapping presents, I started learning early though. In nursery I'd always sit with my mom as she did the wrapping, then as I gradually grew my way up into 'big school' I'd put the cellotape on, and towards the end of primary school, I was able to wrap presents all by myself :-)

17. Most memorable holiday moment?
    Maybe my nephews first Christmas! Babies and Christmas together are always cute.

18. What made you realize the truth about Santa?
     What truth? ;] I'm kidding. Well, I believed until I was around 7 or 8, until my brother went upstairs to see my mother putting Santa sacks in our bedrooms, and he ran downstairs to tell me about it, haha!

19. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
   I always make a New Years resolution, but only stick to them for about 3 weeks.

20. What makes holidays special for you?
   I think this one's the same for everyone-being with family! It's always nice to see all the family and friends at the end of the year, and to spend time with the closest family.
