Wednesday 12 September 2012


Hi there guys!

I thought I'd do a quick update since my last post was 2 MONTHS ago!!

Basically, my laptop charger has stopped working so I can't use my laptop until I get a new one. They're really cheap but I have other things to buy such as clothes etc.

 I've recently been trying to sort out college, get a job and make plans for this year and next.

 With college, I was going to start hairdressing this year but I've had no response from my college about starting etc, and my mother saw an advertisement in a cafe window about a catering apprenticeship, and since I need the money and don't mind doing a bit of random training this year, I've applied for that. I'll find out next week if I get in or not. If not, I'll either continue looking for a job or re-apply for hairdressing and hopefully have something to do!

 Last month, my sister got married and it was a beautiful ceremony, it was in a hotel just in the outskirts of the town I live in, and there was a lovely atmosphere, plenty of friends and family attended-I also got invited to my Aunt's wedding next year, who's getting married to her lovely girlfriend who she's been with for most of the past decade. I'm definitely looking forward to this, I love weddings and parties and dressing up all classy!

 Last weekend I travelled over 130 miles to London, where I saw Lady Gaga's Born this Way Ball at Twickenham Stadium! This was the absolute highlight of my life and I'd love to go several times over and I definitely would-if only I had the funding to! I wore a simple outfit-I gold and black vest layered with a sheer black shirt, burgundy leggings, black high heels and simple jewellery-triangle earrings, a gold bird ring and a pearl necklace. I got a few good pictures but didn't bother taking too many as I was busy dancing. The only downside was having seated tickets, I was sat with loads of older people who didn't fancy much dancing and from what I heard, didn't seem to understand Lady Gaga at all!

Planning a new tattoo!! I'm thinking of one for the top of my foot but I'm not going to do a big reveal until around January/February time when it's actually done, I'm very excited for it.

There probably won't be much activity on this blog for another couple of months, sadly. I'm trying as fast as I can to get enough money to get a new charger for my laptop, but until then I may be able to do more posts on my mother's laptop as I am now!

I do use twitter on my mobile, if you'd like to follow me, my main Twitter is @mrphineprincess :-)

Love, Nikki Marie. xox